5 Budi reunion..
GoooD Day PEeps... gosh busy busy week.... Sorry for the late update... and for my ghostly fans ( i do have fans for this blog ok... ) hehe enjoy the ride.
Well ... it was one day before my Bloody Accounts finals... when i saw a botak black Nigger walking towards Mc Donalds.... and we both look at each other ... suprise suprise it was my long lost lap ridding bitch ... DavId Son Of Kanapal (pandi) an ... ehhe no offence ok... hehe here goes
David: Eh Sin Hun... long time no see
ME: WAssUp man, heard you all went Mason last Sat
David: YEah man...
Me: yada yada
David: Wat you doing here?
Me: Oo studying for my finals
David: You studying.. ??? ( he was wondering whether the sky had fallen)
Me: yea man... compare to secondary i was much more worst now :p
David: hehe yea man
HHeheh was wondering... am i a genius... hahah although many do not presume i were one... ehhe , well no doubt i am a slacker... hehe i barely touched any books during my study week also but i must think positive for my result that's why when you guys say meet you in summer i will say to you ' FUCK OFF ' you want to fail dont pull me down together and i mean it!!! heheh
or else long khong you balik see marco NOw hehehhehehe bloody bastard you push it too hard ... now suffer your own failure heheh hahah hahah president some more la... ehhe
okookok lets see ... what will you do when finished examination(happening places)??? OF course go dota la.... one hour after the finals ... Marvin , cody and i when FTZ straight , it was a nice game as Cody was the usual cody loveable dude with great speeches... and the ever titty moving marvin .. .we were cruising da game all day long... after dota.. of course we must do something even more happening right .... it was afterall after our finals.... so where we when ??? OF course the most happening place in Subang... we when FTZ again... yea man... but today we bring backups... well i meet izzul there and few of his friends then later... i when Dota with khye and my buns.... OMG khye was flamming that day... as if he lost rm 1000 on that game ehhe chill ok :p next time we crash the PCs there... not to mention most of it was my fault i suck in dota...
MOving On... Arghgh.. the theme for today.... 5 B reunion... i was the best Host in town ... Dont Cha guys agree?? Multi tasking all the way... alright.. here it goes... it was 7 pm and i was suppose to had Bat kut teh With eu jin and bernard ... i was late as usual but this time it was buns who want to change clothes that cost the delay.. anyways we had marvelous bat kut teh... not to mention the hard rock pork that you could barely cew...(did any of you notice that the soup was all hard meat and soggy Chee Cheong) Yuck.. maybe too much of Klangism.. after bat kut teh... is drinking session... I tell you ar... Eu jIn amuses all of us with his bartending skills... We had some of Australia most famous hard Liqour oh YEs the Blue MOther Fucker is what we call it , yea man it was filled with lemon juice in it.. with some blue kurakau and a pinch of sugar... orgasimic... we also had a bunch of other liqour like chivas , barcardi, vodka and many more

MOther FuckA to me!!
And was it a hit... just look at the attendees.. hehe.. ( to be honest , the plan was suppose to be only me aka FattyD , eu jin aka smooth, and bernard aka banana ( currently in Usa... remember march ok) look who turn up ???

Hmm 3 plus plus?? dont know lal lost count, Miami here we come :p ( Party time)

Bunch of Posers 5 budi roxx
Alright after completely serving them for almost an hOur... me and david rushed off to Futsal in Astrodome... haha Hero host right... even my mom stare Cock at me... ehhe alright fast foward... nothing unusual happen at futsal except FatTyD was out of gAs :P and almost lost his beloved IndOor black shades. At 11.30 pm.... heheh sorry Hazel aint no fattyd well enuf ... that his 1 hour almost is 2 hahah.... okok btw Aprill was there too... kwang seong say 'Hi' grin ahhah
Moving on the NExt Day it was mua father b day .... Happy birthday Daddy .... although we were never that close but we were still close :p hahah just Jk...ahah ... anyways Eppy b Day dad and Mom.. you cost me a bomb :p
Alright... moving on... it was Forum day... ahha ... And pamelo Vee and i just woke up thks to sooperstar... ownself wake up de come college la... wake ppl up sleep back pulak.. lucky fattyd was never punctual ehheh... same old same old... bitching here and there like little pussy in da college.... ahah Finally something to cucuk marco... HAHAH tiMmy boy had the kampung style hand eatting fuss... Sooperstar has it own version of it... i name it the chinese Egg tart ... before that he was already mentioning where do you all take the egg tarts one?? maybe your lost of your bracces and wearing of retainers lost you the sense of looking instead ok thinking whether the food will stuck in your Mouth.... haha.. No wonder you call it chinese egg tart... and portugis boy finally got something to slap you on... ahah eatting egg tart and smalling it on the table while cursing other ppl is not a COOL thing to do...( IN That pArticular period of time he was boasting how GReat is he , becoming ThE P of the thespian and ranking it above Us .... HHAHh boast la boast la... see the tart all over your pants... AND WHERE's my Lumines... you BLOODY failed ENGLAND punya FELLOw... Dont you understand what is 'Delete' and you dont do it to other ppl Phone you JAckAss.... thank god you got system contra one me... hahha or Else... red paint all over you car....Anyways... after Forum had to fecth pamelo Vee to her pamelo sanctuary eheheh... where all pamelo Rest in there... Jk alright... her church RoxX man...super high tech... got air condition some more with security Alarm... hehe anyways cool church there !! eh next time call vee out la... you guys think she 24/7 live there one meh... yam cha never call her ... ehe damn bad man you all.... only know how to bitched about other ppl :p
On the same day... LAN party with buns and my sista.... heheh Due to Some egosism... sorry for the furry cause... ( just to kick start the game ) heheh ... then fetch her home at 2 am.... hectic lifestyle... yea.. not to mention.... >>>>. my toilet my home.... swt... i think right i being inside for almost 3 hours.. damn those Mc D.... diorhea like man... i didnt even dare to wear my @#$... ehhe (graphical image caution, try to picture FattyD wonderful body ... ) and then we when to my cuzzy 21 bday in OUG and now.... MAN UTD.... VIVA LA MANUTD.... end@@@ watched out chelsea
Ps: Fatty d never edit his post although his ENGLAND IS FANTASTIC... so pls... jamicaian ppl..
Love you BUns, thks for temaning me tonight and the Lan party muaks muaks... love you lots... And Marco... advices i gave you ade system contra tak :P hahah i heard consultan fees not cheap :p