Hi PEEPS...... gosh , that phrase hasn't being use for ages ain't it......god damnit .... Why all lectures must start in da morning ???? why!!!!!! FattYd misses another lecture not intentionally, but theoretically he couldn't wake up 8.00 in da morning just to attend lectures....... there goes my comparative advantages against Sooperstar in da Race TO good old 'Mike KranKey" country. PS: TO SooperStar (SO wAT if yOU AtteND lecTurers , WHen You only SLeep in them ..... whahhahahaha) okok cut the crap and jump back to me! ToDay phone alarm rang at 7.00 am , look at it and slept back, recurrent alarm rang at 7.30 look at it and throw the phone somewhere, 9.00 am woke up , wondering wheres my phone, look down the floor and saw the most devastating thing ever. My phone got extra components , yup a battery, the phone and the back cover and a few more morning scars.
By the way, talking about Sooperstar............ wakalu kong ..... it was one of the funniest moments ever hahaha , after fetching baby buns home, FattyD Rang Sooperstar as sooperstar rang fattyD at 11.21 pm to complain about how emotional was he because the sooper
STAR lost his
Car Keys while he was watching Polinugget vs Metrobulls , ps again ( you are the first ever dude i know to LOSe his carkeys) so as MMEC president :p the motorsports dude kindly picks up thespian president as thespian and basketball presidents do not know how to off the Car Alarm. Btw Sooperstar was planning to leave his beloved wife Kelisa a day in Ss14 for the MPSj dudes to towed the car for loitering. So after arriving at the cRime scene Fattyd took only 3 minute to finished the Job..... and earned a well Deserved praise by sOoperStar ( WHOA Derek damn sMArt right ..... ps Again ( not i smart la commonsense la..... :p) after that SoopersTar and fattyD decided to go for a Drink at a mamak nearby.
and that concludes yesterday adventure not until when fAtTyD realize that
OK peeps , gtg for FINANCE lecture Ciao Will updated more soon.
ps:SoopersTAr need your Help to fill MUA missing chatter Box >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>